Friday, December 30, 2011

3 - Written Assignment GOVT 2301 Fall Mini

After a debate filled fall, the competition for the Republican nomination is about to get serious. Actual elections will be held and delegates will begin to be allocated to each candidate. Eventually we will get a clear idea of who the Republcian nominee will be. As you probably know, no Democrat has chosen to challenge President Obama for the Democratic nomination - so there's not much to follow there, but I want you to investigate and describe what is going happen in Iowa and New Hampshire for each party nevertheless.

So tell me the following: What is the Iowa Caucus and what is the new Hamsphire Primary? More importantly, how do each work? How do Democrats and Republicans in each state determine what level of support will be given to each candidate? Their processes are not the same, so give me some detail here. I'm interested in the mechanics of each event, not an assessment of who is likely to win - that's the easy part.

Let me know if you need me to clear this question up, but the goal is for you to become familiar with these two events.