Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer 2 GOVT 2301 Written Assignment #1

Hello Summer 2 2301s. Here is your first brief written assignment (minimum 150 words - but you may go over).

If you review the news, you will note that the latest conflict between our Governor and President concerns the expansion of Medicaid. The federal government is encouraging the states to expand the number of people covered by Medicaid from those who earn less than the poverty line to those earning 133% of the poverty line. Governor Perry doesn't want to do that and has announced that Texas will not expand coverage.

Some of the dispute, on either side of the issue, involves an ideological disagreement about what should be done about poverty - including conflict over what the causes of poverty are. Since part of the subject this week is ideology (what it is and how it helps us understand political conflict) I want you to look into the Medicaid dispute and fully state the liberal position and the conservative position - or any other positions you may note.

If you want to take sides on the issue, you may, but only after you provide a full objective description of the ideological dispute.

For information, refer to the slides and the web.