Monday, June 15, 2020

From the Texas Tribune: Austin City Council unanimously limits police officers' use of force and asks for cuts to department budget

Let's start looking at some of the specific things being proposed to reform police departments.

- Click here for the article.

The Austin City Council unanimously approved a set of measures Thursday meant to limit police officers' use of force, which include restrictions on use of deadly force and a ban on using “less lethal” munitions during protests. The council also directed the city manager to propose reductions to the department’s budget next year.

The moves come in the wake of nationwide protests over police brutality against people of color, including in Austin. Many of those national and local demonstrations have included calls for reforms on police tactics and the defunding of law enforcement in favor of redistributing funds to social services and alternative public safety programs.

"I hope that we don’t miss this moment. Our community is at a boiling point," said Mayor Pro Tem Delia Garza. "We cannot move past this without change, we cannot. I will do my best to remain hopeful."

Decreasing police funding has also gained momentum in Dallas. Houston leaders increased that city’s police budget by almost $20 million for the upcoming fiscal year, though officials attributed that move to fixed costs like pension obligations and pay raises.