Friday, August 28, 2020

From Public Opinion Quarterly: The Importance of Political Knowledge for Effective Citizenship: Differences Between the Broadcast and Internet Generations

This is related to the subject matter of the first set of slides. The abstract is below so you can get the gist of it.

- Click here for the article.

General political knowledge is a central variable in American politics research. Individuals with high political knowledge exhibit behaviors that are consequential to a well-functioning democracy, including holding more stable political opinions, exhibiting greater ideological constraint, knowing more about political candidates, and being more likely to vote correctly. In this paper, we examine whether the internet revolution, enabling citizens to look up anything at any time, has changed the relative importance of political knowledge in American politics. We show that important generational differences exist between Americans raised during the broadcast era and Americans raised with the presence and accessibility of the internet. Internet access can be a substitute for political knowledge stored in long-term memory, particularly among this younger generation, who may be relying on the internet to store knowledge for them.