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It is the policy of this state that each child in foster care be informed of the child's rights provided by state or federal law or policy that relate to:
(2) food, clothing, shelter, and education;
(3) medical, dental, vision, and mental health services, including the right of the child to consent to treatment;
(4) emergency behavioral intervention, including what methods are permitted, the conditions under which it may be used, and the precautions that must be taken when administering it;
(5) placement with the child's siblings and contact with members of the child's family;
(6) privacy and searches, including the use of storage space, mail, and the telephone;
(7) participation in school-related extracurricular or community activities;
(8) interaction with persons outside the foster care system, including teachers, church members, mentors, and friends;
(9) contact and communication with caseworkers, attorneys ad litem, guardians ad litem, and court-appointed special advocates;
(10) religious services and activities;
(11) confidentiality of the child's records;
(12) job skills, personal finances, and preparation for adulthood;
(13) participation in a court hearing that involves the child;
(14) participation in the development of service and treatment plans;
(15) if the child has a disability, the advocacy and protection of the rights of a person with that disability; and
(16) any other matter affecting the child's ability to receive care and treatment in the least restrictive environment that is most like a family setting, consistent with the best interests and needs of the child.