Wednesday, January 20, 2021

From Vox: Biden’s flurry of first-day executive actions, explained

An overview of presidential action - we will unpack them and apply them to textbook material. One of the major points we will discuss in this class are the types of things the executive branch can do without the assistance of the other two - as well as they it cannot do.

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On his first day, Biden will sign 17 executive initiatives. He’ll mandate masks on federal property. He’ll rescind Trump’s decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization. He’ll extend eviction and foreclosure moratoriums as well as a student loan pause. He’ll take multiple actions on global warming, including rejoining the Paris agreement. He’ll move on immigration, reversing Trump’s travel ban and stopping construction of a wall at the US-Mexico border. He’ll reinforce commitments to racial equity and nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people. And more.

Biden’s team emphasized in a call with reporters that these day-one actions were only the start. A memo from White House chief of staff Ron Klain outlined Biden’s plans to tackle “four overlapping and compounding crises”: Covid-19, the economy, global warming, and racial justice. Short of congressional action, Biden will sign “dozens of executive orders, presidential memoranda, and directives to Cabinet agencies” to address those areas and more.

“In the coming days and weeks we will be announcing additional executive actions that confront these challenges and deliver on the President-elect’s promises to the American people, including revoking the ban on military service by transgender Americans, and reversing the Mexico City policy,” spokesperson Jen Psaki said in a statement on Tuesday.