Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Terms for ACC's GOVT 2305

Campaigns and Elections
- times, places, and manners clause
- political action committees
- Super PACs
- bundling 
- 527 groups
- caucus
- closed primary
- open primary
- Super Tuesday
- winner take all
- proportional representation
- electoral bounce
- incumbency advantage 
- midterm elections
- midterm loss
- reapportionment
- gerrymandering
- safe district
- call list
- open seat
- name recognition
- negative campaigning

Interest Groups and Political Parties
- K Street
- special interests
- interest Groups
- lobbyists
- pluralism
- hyper-partisanship
- power elite3 theory
- reverse lobbying
- iron triangle
- revolving door
- issue network
- nonpartisan election
- party system
- party boss
- party machine
- New Deal
- party identification
- straight ticket voting
- split ticket voting
- base voters
- party platforms
- party organization
- party in government
- party in the electorate
- party caucus
- partisanship
- divided government
- gift ban

Media, Technology, and Government
- new media
- loud signal
- public watchdog
- policy agenda
- priming
- framing
- mass media
- personal presidency
- infotainment
- fake news
- watergate sscandal
- public ownership
- fairness doctrine
- consolidation
- Telecommunication Act of 1996
- sound bite