Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Origins of Colonial America - Dates of establishment of colonies

- Harbor Grace Colony: 1583.
- Roanoke Colony: 1585.
- Plymouth Company: 1606
- Popham Colony: 1606
- Virginia: 1607
- Cuper's Cove: 1610.
- Plymouth  Colony: 1620 - 1691
- Bristol's Hope: 1618.
- New Netherland: 1621
- Nantasket (Hull): 1621
- Province of Maine: 1622.
- Cape Ann Colony: 1623.
- Massachusetts Bay Colony: 1629 / also 1641
- Province of New Hampshire: 1629
- Province of Maryland: 1632 - 1778
- Saybrook: 1635
- Providence Plantation: 1636
- Connecticut: 1636
- New Haven: 1637 - 1664
- New Sweden: 1638 - 1655
- Province of Carolina: 1683 - 1712
- Province of New Jersey: 1664
- Province of New York: 1664
- Province of East Jersey: 1674 - 1702
- Province of West Jersey: 1674 - 1702
- Province of Pennsylvania: 1681
- Dominion of New England: 1686 - 1689
- Province of Massachusetts Bay: 1691
- Delaware Colony: 1701
- North Carolina: 1712
- South Carolina: 1712
- Province of Georgia: 1732