Sunday, October 22, 2023

From the Houston Chronicle: Houston mayoral questionnaire: Where candidates say they stand on the issues

A good way to look at the dominant issues in the current Houston mayoral election - at least according to the HC's editorial board - and where the candidates stand on them.

- Click here for the article

Here is a rundown of the issues. It provides a good at what a city does.  

- Crime and safety.
- Police hiring.
- Police response times.
- Police reform.
- Firefighters.
- Budget.
- Financial sustainability.
- Procurement and contracting.
- Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones.
- Bike lanes.
- Transportation expansion.
- Affordable housing.
- Permitting.
- Flood-control projects.
- Drainage.
- Solid Waste challenges.
- Garbage fees.
- Illegal dumping.
- Water and sewage rates.
- Leaky pipes.
- Street and drainage fees.