Week Nine - GOVT 2305 - ACC

Political Parties

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Political parties are central organizational features of the political system and have developed in the United States since its early days.The quickly became dominant features in Congress and helped organize political participation - and expand democracy - as the nation grew. For the past 150 years the two principle parties in the US have been the Democratic and Republicans Parties - thought other forces come and go. It is impossible to over-estimate the impact that parties have on the political environment. Aside from organizing elections and governing institutions, they shape how people perceive and orient themselves to the political world. Aside form this, they are constantly in flux, and quickly respond to technological change.

Blog Tags:

- Democrats.
- Democratic Caucus.
- Democratic Coalition.
- Democratic National Committee.
- Green Party.
- Libertarian Party.
- Parties.
- Parties in Congress.
- Partisanship.
- Party Base.
- Party Coalitions.
- Party Cohesion.
- Party Eras.
- Party Factions.
- Party Identification.
- Party Leaders.
- Party Machines.
- Party Platforms.
- Party Polarization.
- Republicans.
- Republican Coalition.
- Two Party System.