Wednesday, October 2, 2019

From Vox: The Harvard admissions case that could end affirmative action, explained

For our look at the equal protection clause, strict scrutiny, test cases, de facto discrimination, civil trials, and civil rights - at the very least.

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On Tuesday, Federal District Court Judge Allison Burroughs ruled that Harvard’s race-conscious admissions process is fair, and that it doesn’t discriminate against Asian-American applicants.

On the surface, the ruling is a huge win for affirmative action, as it upholds the university’s practice of considering a person’s race in the application process to create a more diverse student body. But the plaintiffs — an anonymous group of Asian Americans who were rejected from Harvard — have argued that Harvard caps the number of spots available to Asian students like them. Interestingly, the organization representing them is led by a white man. So yeah, it’s complicated.

The plaintiffs are planning to appeal the case, and if it ends up in front of the US Supreme Court, conservative justices like Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh might end up outlawing affirmative action altogether.