Wednesday, March 28, 2007

House Party

Many thanks to Tammy for inviting me, and Davon Ruiz's class to her home for the National John Edwards House Party.

There were about 30 of us and we watched a nicely produced video for Edwards and participated in a national conference call which unfortunately consisted of a ten minute talk by the ex-Senator--which repeated the themes of the video--and three questions which he briefly answered before he had to leave to catch a flight.

Nothing against the Senator, but the consensus was that this was a bit lame. If you have, as he alleged, thousands of participants around the country included in the call you should spend more time with them. You can get a later flight.

Tammy is considerign taking a leadership role in the local Edwards campaign and would love to have volunteers. If you live in the Friendswood, Texas area contact her.

I'll keep my eye open for similar events and opportunities from other candidates. If you are in the Houston area and have anything to suggest, drop me a line.