Thursday, May 31, 2007

2301 pre test results

These are from the 25 multiple choice questions I gave to my two 2301 classes this week (34 students total). The average number correct was 13, just over half. I have no idea what the high and low grades were but I noticed a couple that went through the scanner that scored 22. I might want to get you two to pick up a lecture for me now and then.

These are the things my students seem to know:

- unjust rule by a group in power is called tyranny (89% correct)
- the unalienable rights include life liberty and the pursuit of happiness (83%)
- most Americans believe in the equality of opportunity, individual liberty and democracy (80%)
- the Constitution grants only expressed powers to the national government (77%)
- the inclusion of the Bill of Rights was the most important task of the first Congress (74%)

They didn't know the following:

- the necessary and proper clause allows for the expansion of national power (14%)
- Hamilton said the Bill of Rights was not necessary since national powers were limited (18%)
- police powers are reserved for the states (30%)
- parties are different than interest groups because they elect their members to office (30%)
- the Bill of Rights defines people as separate from government (33%)

Any surprises?

The results might be skewed a bit high since multiple choice tests present students options. I also asked students to define key terms. These results are a bit more disappointing.