Sunday, May 20, 2007

Texas Legislative Update

The Texas legislature will end on the 28th with, apparently, not much to show for their efforts.

The session has been dominated by problems at Texas Southern University, the Texas Youth Commission, and the governor's executive order on the HPV vaccine.

Aside from the fact that the system of separated powers is designed to thwart individual agendas, the chron suggests:

- the assumption that Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst is planning to run for governor in 2010. This has led him to focus more on short term issues that can increase his vote--especially among conservative Republicans who do in fact vote--at the expense of long terms issues that may be immediately unpopular.

- the attempt to depse Speaker Tom Craddick earlier this session, which weakened his ability to lead the chamber. He might be kinder and gentler, but that doesn't help one herd chickens.