Friday, September 14, 2007

Review for 2301 Test One

For my 2301 classes, please be prepared to answer questions abotu the following subjects.

I'll have topics for 2302 posted soon.

defintion of government
definition of politics
definition of democracy
components of government
governing institutions
purpose of separated powers
means of separating powers
definition of tyranny
definition of autocracy
definition of oligarchy
definition of democracy
advantages and disadvantages of the three above
how each is incorporated into the American governmental system
the decentralized American system
the relationship between the individual and the state
justifications for government in the Dec of Ind and the Preamble of the Constitution
consent and coercion
divine right of kings
Magna Carta
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Natural Rights
extent of political participation
political institutions
first amendment protections
political values
political ideology
equality and freedom
define liberalism
define conservatism
define libertarianism
define populism
define socialism
current issue – liberal v. conservative position
self interest
interest and the design of the American governing system
three components of democracy
tyranny of the majority
minority rights in a democracy
direct democracy
indirect democracy
England’s colonization of the New World
Henry 8th
Plymought Colony
reasons for independent thinking among colonists
equality in the colonies
status of colonists as British citizens
The French and Indians Wars
reasons why Britain began to increase presence in colonies
The Albany Plan
The Stamp Act
three groups in colonial society
needs of merchants
significance of Boston Massacre
significance of Boston Tea Party
role of Second Continental Congress
outline of Declaration of Independence
outline of Articles of Confederation
Federalist opposition to the Articles
Annapolis Convention
role of George Washington
state suspicion of Constitutional Convention
Manifest Destiny and the settlement of Texas
Jacksonian Democracy