Saturday, September 15, 2007

Want to Make a Quick $100,000?

Kill two Swedes responsible for a cartoon dubbed offensive to Islam (the prophet Mohammad is depicted as a dog). Al Qaeda in Iraq made the offer and is willing to toss in an additional $50,000 if their throats are cut.

Though we have press protections in the United States, its worth pondering what some Christians might do if a similarly offensive cartoon was published here and whether a court might rule that they were provoked by the cartoon to do whatever they did.

And if Christians don't respond violently, why might that be the case? Recent events have led to discussions of cultural differences between the Christian and Muslim world. Might that help explain this?


By the way, the news story states that the bounty was actually issued by the Islamic State in Iraq. I'm obviously behind the curve on this since they claim to have been in existence for over a year, but it seems to me that we now have a real conflict between two groups each seeking legitimate control over a territory and its inhabitants.