Monday, March 10, 2008

2301 TBA Quiz Three

1- What was the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

2 – What are the principle purposes of the amendments that have been added to the Constitution since the Bill of Rights?

3 – What is Federalism? Describe the relationship that exists between the United States and Texas.

4 – What are the reserved powers? What are police powers? How does Texas enforce police powers?

5 – What relationship does the Constitution establish between the states?

6 – What is the commerce clause and what role has it played in facilitating the increase in national power?

7 – What programs were included in “cooperative federalism” and how did they enable an increase in national power?

8 – What is New Federalism? What techniques are being used to curtail national power? Are they successful?

9 – What is “legislative supremacy?” What evidence exists that the framers of the Constitution intended the legislature to be the predominant branch of government?

10 – What role does the Supreme Court play in defining the separated powers?