Sunday, June 21, 2009

Early List of Vetoed Legislation

Copied from Quorum Report:

Gov. Rick Perry vetoed 35 bills and resolutions, catering to his conservative wing with his veto of HB 130, the pre-K bill. He also tagged Rep. Todd Smith’s (R-Euless) bill that would have given a judge the discretion of not forcing someone to register as a sex offender if the only sin was underage consensual sex.

Also of note was Perry allowing HB 770 to become law without signature. The bill had become controversial after Rep. Wayne Christian (R-Center) attached language allowing he and 200 neighbors on the Bolivar Peninsula to rebuild their property following Hurricane Ike. Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson had argued that because of the erosion following Ike, rebuilding those properties would violate the Texas Open Beaches law. He had been urging Perry to veto HB 770.

Of the thirty-five vetoes, only seven were bills authored by Republicans.

To look at the Governor’s veto statements, click

The list of bills filed without signature and bills vetoed can be found