Thursday, June 4, 2009

Texas Legislature Wrap Ups

Here are a few links summarizing the 81st Leg's regular session:

- The Waco Tribune bemoans lost opportunities: Editorial: Legislature's sorry conclusion; or is it over?

- The Dallas Morning News reports that key departments will stay open despite the fact that sunset legislation was not passed: GOP leaders vow to keep key agencies open

- The Chronicle tells us that Governor Perry considers the session a success: Perry declares session victory

- The Austin American Statesman reports that Perry is not anxious to call a special session to deal with unfinished business: Perry not calling an immediate special session, if any, but the Forth Worth Star Telegram tells u she might have to: Perry blasts senators who let bill die, says a special session may ...

- Burnt Orange Report Lists what it considers hits and misses: A Session of Missed Opportunities

- The Tribune blames failures to act on Voter ID: Voter ID a Long, Slow Burn for Legislature

- The Dallas Morning News speculates that Kay Bailey Hutchison may be '09 session's big winner