Sunday, October 24, 2010

This Week's Written Assignments

Here the written questions I'm about to post for next week:

For the 16 week classes

2301 -  Elections: Next week is election day, and since we are covering elections this week, it makes sense to ask a question related to it, but I want to add a twist. As you are probably aware, many pollsters have provided up to the minute updates on the possible results. I want you to try to determine how they are doing this and whether their results might prove accurate on election day. Here are some links: Pollster, Gallup, and 538. What I want you to determine isn't what they are predicting, but what proof they are using to make those predictions.

2302 - The Executive - Institutional Evolution: As with most -- actually every -- president, a handful of new executive agencies have been established, or redesigned, during the first two years of the Obama Administration. I want you to research what these agencies are and describe one. What factors led to its formation? What controversies surrounded its formation?

For the 8 week classes:

2301 - The U.S. and Texas Constitutions: By now you should be familiar with the Tea Party Movement and its goals and positions. One of the arguments they make is that they are "conservative constitutionalists" and that they support the true meaning of the U.S. Constitution. I want you to do two things. First, figure out what they mean by "constitutional conservative," and second evaluate whether their claims are true. Do they in fact support the proper way the the Constitution should be interpreted?

2302 -  The Legislature, History and Constitutional Design: One of the key functions of a legislature is for its members to represent the interests of their constituents, but there is a dilemma embedded in the Constitution regarding how constituents ought to be represented. House members are said to be delegates while Senators are trustees. After finding out what these terms mean, I want you to find out who your U.S. Representative is  and who your U.S. Senators are and determine whether they in fact behave according to this model. Give plenty of examples.