Saturday, August 27, 2011

Written Assignments for 2301 and 2302

I've put together the first real written asignments for 2301 and 2302. I'll post a few items related to each over the course of the next few days, but you are welcomed to do your own reading and answer the question your own way. Send me any onformation you'd like to share with others. These will be due September 6th, instead of the 5th since the 5th is Labor Day.

2301: Among the topics covered this week is democracy. As I've mentioned in class, commentators are curious about whether the various revolutions occurring in the Middle East (the Arab Spring) will result in the establishment of democracies, or some other type of of governing system. I will posting various stories on the blog relate to this question. Read through them (as well as anything your find on your own - share them if you like) and weigh in on what the likely outcome will be. Will democracy break out in the Middle East as a result of the Arab Spring, or will these countrys' governments revert back to autocracy?

2302: Before we begin to look into each governing institution - the legislative, executive and judicial -in depth, I want you to come to terms with the decentralized nature of the governing sytem as a whole. In the review, pay special attention to the concept of republicanism, federalism and separated powers. Each divides power in various ways for legitimate reasons, but doing so complicates the ability of government to act efficiently. Our collective difficulty in dealing with problems like immigration, health care, and the environment may come down to this inefficient design.

Think of it this way: The people, or Congress, or the states may want certain things done - but the power of each is checked by some external force.

I'll post some stories on the blog illustrating these areas of conflict, but do your own research as well. Select one and write at least 150 words describing in some detail the conflict, the more detailed and thorough the answer, the better the grade.