Saturday, June 9, 2012

2 - Written Assignment GOVT 2301 and 2306

This week in 2306 we begin to look at Texas' place within the federal system. In 2301 we will be looking at it soon enough. 2306's 1000 word essay requires you to look at a specific conflict between the state and the national governments, so you should already have a general understanding of this issue.

In this assignment, I want you to look at an issue that pits the national and state governments against each other, and one that the Supreme Court - as much as they want to avoid it - will have to decide on, and maybe soon.

Gay Marriage.

This story in The Atlantic details the consequences of a recent decision by a federal appeals court to strike down part of the Defense of Marriage Act. It contains links to additonal stories on the case. The case is likely to be appealed to the Supreme Court. Once it does - assuming it renders an intelligible decision - we have some clarity about the separate roles the state and national governments have regarding marriage.

I want you to get a head start on that by reading through the material and detailing the respective roles each has according to existing law. Is marriage fully up to the states - is it a reserved power? - or are aspects of it subject to US law? The Equal Protection Clause for example.

150 words at a minimum.