Monday, August 27, 2012

Exciting the Base, Winning the Independents

The DMN outlines Romney's goal in the Republican Convention this week:

For many Republican activists, Mitt Romney wasn’t the conservative they hoped for in the next president, and support remains a bit begrudging.

Among voters who haven’t made up their minds, Romney has a different problem — an image as a stiff, wavering politician portrayed by a relentless Democratic attack machine as callous toward the poor and middle class.

To improve his standing with both groups, Romney faces a balancing act at the GOP convention this week in Tampa, Fla. He must become more likable to woo the broad electorate while showing a feistier side to keep a lid on conservative angst.
This is a common objective. All presidential candidates have to do so in order to win. We will cover this in a few parts of class - especially when we cover elections.

In case you're wondering what the Republican base is - the Gallup Poll gives us a hint. Think about it as the committed, passionate members of the party. in brief - and simplistically - religious white conservatives. They skew slightly male as well. We will get more detailed soon, and add information about Democrats when they meet next week.