Wednesday, October 23, 2013

GOVT 2306 IM2 - 1000 word critical essay

For my GOVT 2306 mini 2 students: The subject of the 1000 word critical essay.

I asked you already to access and review the Supreme Court's decision in Shelby County v. Holder, a hugely consequential Supreme Court case which whittled back the impact of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

For the essay I want you to consider the arguments made on either side of the case - as well as commentary made since the decision was made public - and weigh in on whether this decision makes it more difficult for minority populations to vote across the nation. Doing so will require you to clarify exactly what the Supreme Court did in the case, and understanding the dispute over the impact of that decision.

Some argue the decision takes us back to segregation days - others disagree. Where do you stand on this and why?

Give proof.