Thursday, May 16, 2019

From the Dallas News: How police felt stonewalled by Dallas Diocese at every turn in sex abuse investigation

An example of due process, specifically a search and seizure. The back and forth between Dallas police and the Diocese interests me.

- Click here for the article.

An affidavit Dallas police used to obtain a search warrant Wednesday to raid Dallas Catholic Diocese offices laid out allegations against five priests and suggested the church subverted police efforts to obtain more information.

The affidavit, signed by Detective David Clark, who is working full-time on sex abuse allegations within the Diocese, sought to seize Diocese records because the church hadn’t handed over all the records it had about allegations against the priests.

All five priests are on the Diocese’s list of 31 “credibly accused” priests, which the church released in January. That list included only accusations against priests that the Diocese concluded were credible after a review by former law enforcement officials and the Diocean Review Board.