Friday, January 10, 2020

10 Tips From Machiavelli - 2

From the video below:

10. Distrust mercenaries and auxiliaries

9. You cannot imitate great people exactly, but you should try

8. Do not increase the power of rivals or potential rivals

7. When conquering a new people, don’t change their ways too much

6. Without power opportunity is wasted. Without opportunity, power is wasted

5. We live so far from how we ought to live, that he who abandons what is done for what ought to be done will ruin himself, rather than prevail

4. One must secure himself with the nobles and the people, which are two different realms

3. One must be as efficient as possible, but look as noble as possible

2. It is better to be feared than loved, but both are desirable (as long as you are not hated)

1. The end justifies the means