Tuesday, January 21, 2020

For GOVT 2306: Key Terms in Chapters 1 and 2


Chapter 1
- empresario
- individualistic political culture
- moralistic political culture
- political culture
- presidential republicanism
- traditionalistic political culture
- Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Chapter 2
- apprenticeship laws
- black codes
- block grants
- categorical grants
- concurrent powers
- confederal system
- constitution
- cooperative federalism
- devolution
- dual federalism
- enumerated powers
- extradition
- federalism
- fiscal federalism
- full faith and credit clause
- horizontal federalism
- implied powers
- initiative
- long ballot
- Manifest Destiny
- peonage
- popular sovereignty
- privileges and immunities
- referendum
- reserved powers
- supremacy clause
- unfunded mandate
- unitary system
- vertical federalism