Wednesday, October 14, 2020

From Wikipedia: Ideological leanings of United States Supreme Court justices

For discussion, the court will swing further to the right as a result of President Trump's nominees.

- Click here for the entry.

Here is a look at what makes a justice liberal or conservative according to one measure: 

Criminal procedure – a higher number means pro-defendant votes in cases involving the rights of persons accused of crime, except for the due process rights of prisoners.

Civil rights – a higher number means more votes permitting intervention on First Amendment freedom cases which pertain to classifications based on race (including Native Americans), age, indigence, voting, residence, military, or handicapped status, sex, or alienage.

First Amendment – a higher number reflects votes that advocate individual freedoms with regard to speech.

Union – a higher number means pro-union votes in cases involving labor activity.

Economic – a higher number means more votes against commercial business activity, plus litigation involving injured persons or things, employee actions concerning employers, zoning regulations, and governmental regulation of corruption other than that involving campaign spending.

Federalism – a higher number means votes for a larger, more empowered government in conflicts between the federal and state governments, excluding those between state and federal courts, and those involving the priority of federal fiscal claims.

Federal taxes – a higher number means more votes widening the government's ability to define and enforce tax concepts and policies in cases involving the Internal Revenue Code and related statues.