Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Don't Ask Don't Tell

Thanks to Brad for sending me this link about the "gay bomb."
A few takes on this story are possible.

- this is a worthwhile effort to develop non-lethal means to defeat an enemy.- it confirms the idea that "military intelligence" is an oxymoron.- you can change someones' sexual orientation that easily?- is this hypocritical considering the military's stance on homosexuality?

The military has always been on the cutting edge of research. Both the computer and the internet were spurred by military needs and funded by the huge budgets it consistently receives. Current research focuses on robotics, nutrition and neurology . . . and who knows what else.

Today's New York Times contains a story about efforts to bend light around objects, which makes them invisible. I think I deserve credit for keeping the dozen childish comments coursing through my head to myself.