Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Paris Hilton v. Habeas Corpus

I always get a kick out of monitoring which posts get the most responses and which get little or none. The Paris Hilton post is gaining on the record holder: Caveman's Crib. A handful of you seem to be actually worked up about her current situation, but no one seems upset by the shaky status of habeas corpus, an issue of far greater importance since it keep us free from the indiscriminate, arbitrary actions of the state (ie., being randomly hauled off by the police).

There may be a valid reason for this imbalance though. I want you to explain it to me.

Why do you get worked up over Paris Hilton and not expansive police powers?

Added: I'm still getting comments about Paris Hilton and only Paris Hilton! Does the potential of unchecked police power bother anyone more than how she is being treated by the justice system? Maybe I'm not being clear. Tell me.