Monday, September 8, 2008

Week Three Assignments for Internet Students are Up

Go to the Wiki for the full info and links to the readings:

GOVT 2301 - Week 3

GOVT 2302 - Week 3

For GOVT 2301: Answer each of the following questions in at least 250 words (longer answers are both allowed and encouraged)

1. Read the introduction of Popular Basis of Political Authority and outline the advantages and disadvantages of resting political on the general population. Which founders trusted the people and which did not?
2. Read the introduction to Right of Revolution and any one of the documents in Chapter 3. Comment on when revolution might be justified and when it might not be.
3. Read the Introduction to Republican Government and describe what a republic is, how it is organized and how they are best maintained.

For GOVT 2302: Answer each of the following questions in at least 200 words, you may go over, and perhaps should.

1. Why were the federalists dissatisfied with the Articles of Confederation? What changes in the Constitution addressed these dis-satisfactions?
2. Outline the differences between the Virginia Plan, Hamilton's Plan and the resulting Constitution.
3. What theories underlie the designs of each of the separated powers?
4. Describe each of the checks and balances listed above and discuss any controversies associated with them.

I will want these turned in by September 15.