Friday, May 15, 2009

More on the Texas Leg Winding Down

From the Austin American Statesman:

A few dozen proposals in the Texas House caught the last train to the Senate on Thursday, winning approval before the chamber's midnight deadline for passing bills.

Hundreds of others were left behind


Among the bills that the House passed before the deadline was a proposal that would allow some families who make too much money to qualify for the Children's Health Insurance Program to have a "buy-in" option that would allow them to pay premiums to sign up for it.

The House also approved a ban on drivers using cell phones in active school zones, unless they use hands-free devices or are in some type of emergency.


Tentatively passed

House Bill 836 — Would authorize the hunting of feral hogs by helicopter.

House Bill 662 — Prohibits drivers younger than 18 from talking or texting on a cell phone except in an emergency. Amended to say that hands-free devices would not be allowed.

House Bill 55 — Bans people driving in active school zones from using cell phones and other wireless devices unless they use hands-free devices or are in an emergency.

House Bill 2962— Could add about 80,000 children to the Children's Health Insurance Program by allowing certain families above the current income limit to pay to join the program.

House Bill 2511 — Seeks to more clearly define how political action committees can spend corporate and union money.

Sent to governor

House Bill 1736— The House approved Senate changes to this measure, which would increase compensation from the state for people who were wrongly imprisoned. It would increase the lump-sump payments from $50,000 to $80,000 per year of incarceration but, under Senate changes, would no longer provide health insurance.