Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ricci v. DeStefano and Sotomayor

Ricci v. DeStefano is the official name of the New Haven firefighters case which some have used to determine Sotomayor's views on affirmative action.

Here are few sites where you can get accurate info on the case:

- ScotusWiki - the docket.
- The oral argument before the Supreme Court.
- Scotus Blog - argument preview.
- Scotus Blog - argument recap.
- Background from the CSM.
- A WSJ story with links to audio from the appellate case.

Sotomayor, as an appellate court judge, voted to uphold the trial court's decision. Opponents have used this to brand her a judicial activist. Supporters argue that the decision was narrowly tailored to comply with the law, and so was an example of judicial restraint. Pick your poison.