Monday, January 31, 2011

Looking Ahead - Week 4's Assessment


- be prepared for maybe a dozen questions from Federalist #10. Read this thing thoroughly.
- What is Madison's attitude towards pure democracy. Why does he feel this way?
- How can the violence of factions be adequately addressed?
- How does the problem of factions affect us today?
- What does Madison tell us about human nature?
- How does a republic deal with the problems posed by factions?
- What do we now know about how groups form?
- Which interests are most likely to form effective groups?
- What problems might these groups pose for effective government?


- What organizations has Congress established to help members accomplish their duties?
- What do committees do? What types are there? Which are the most important and why?
- What are the goals of the typical member of Congress? How do they achieve these goals?
- What do parties in Congress do? How did they evolve? What positions in Congress are really party positions? What do people in these positions do?
- Who holds these positions currently?
- What are the powers of the U.S. Speaker?
- How are the powers of parties, committees and others the same in both Congress and the Texas Legislature?