Friday, September 23, 2011

The Great Recession Generation

Just like the Great Depression - the Great Recession is likely to have a significant impact on the generation that is coming of age right now. In 2301 we will discuss the concept of a political generation, the experiences of this group will impact politics and government throughout the 21st century.

-Recession changes the American way of life:

Lingering bad times may alter expectations and lifestyles for years to come, some demographers say.
"It's going to have a long-term impact and to say it's going to end is optimistic," says Cheryl Russell, former editor in chief of American Demographics, now editorial director of New Strategist Publications, publisher of reference tools. "I'm more pessimistic that this is the new normal.

- It Wasn't a Good Decade to be Young or in New York, Says the Census.

"Many young adults are essentially postponing adulthood and all of the family responsibilities and extra costs that go along with it," Mark Mather, analyst at the Population Reference Bureau, told the AP. Sure, without young people delaying those traditional markers of adulthood, we wouldn't have network sitcoms or trend pieces or Williamsburg (not to mention trend pieces involving network sitcoms set in Williamsburg). But twenty- and thirtysomethings are supposed to get to cling to immaturity by choice! It's depressing, and even more so when you consider it's only one early set of data connecting the economic impact of the downturn with the cultural impact — we're not done getting these numbers, and not all of the impact is going to be quantifiable.