Monday, September 26, 2011

Week Five Written Assignments

For 2301 and 2302, here are the writing assignments for this week - I'll have them on blackboard soon.

2301: The topic this week is the separated powers, which also includes discussion of the checks and balances which are designed to maintain the separation. As we will see when we read through Federalist #51. Madison argues that the checks and balances work by ensuring that "ambition counteracts ambition." Everyone in a position of authority is ambitious, and can be assumed to want to expand their position of power, but each has to face similarly ambitious people who will limit what they can do. The assumption is that this is an ongoing process. I want you to go through current news items and find examples of each institution (one legislative, one executive, and one judicial) checking the power of another. Comment.

2302: This week we will look at contemporary issues in the legislature, and no issue seems to be more dominant at the moment than the deficit and the increasing national debt. Some have argued that the size of the debt requires that a balanced budget amendment be added to the Constitution in order to restrain spending, while other argue that such an amendment will prevent the nation from dealing effectively with crises. Read up on the various proposals being made and give the arguments in favor and against the amendment. Also comment on whether you think such an amendment is likely to be passed and ratified by the states.