Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bill filing begins for the 83rd session of the Texas Legislature

As per Texas law, yesterday marked the first day of bill filing for the Texas Legislature's session starting in January.

The Fort Worth Star Telegram comments on what's been introduced so far.

If the Texas Legislature doesn't pass a bill next year to outlaw texting while driving, it won't be for lack of trying.

At least six bills calling for a statewide ban on driver texting were introduced Monday on the first day lawmakers could propose legislation for the regular session that begins Jan. 8.

The first day of "pre-filing" bills traditionally is one when legislators seek to draw attention to pet projects, many of which have been tried unsuccessfully in previous sessions. It's also a day when Texans get a look at some of the major issues of the coming session.

There's much more, we'll start compiling a list of what to except soon.

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/11/12/4408065/texas-legislature-gets-bills-on.html#storylink=cpy