Friday, May 31, 2013

The Constitutional Convention: May 30th and 31st

On May 30th the convention resolved itself into a committee of the whole, which effectively turns the entire group into one big committee so they can discuss whatever is at hand. In this case the content of the Virginia Plan. It would meet this way for two weeks.

On May 30th it was decided that the national government woudl be divided into the three chambers and then discussed whether whether representation should be based on a state's population or financial contributions to the national government.

On May 31st a bicameral legislature was agreed to, and that the legislature would be elected by the people. The proposal that the "second branch" would be elected by the "first branch" was defeated. Each house would be able to initiate legislation and Congress was given power over areas where the states were incompetent, and would be able to negate state laws.