Monday, May 13, 2013

The IRS audits the Tea Party

There's lots flying around on Friday's revelation that the IRS was auditing Tea Party groups that had applied for 501(c)4 status prior to the 2012 election.

It also applies to alot of what we will cover this class, including the organization of the bureaucracy and the way that decision are made within it, presidential power over the bureaucracy, and the murky status of the superPACs and other organizations involved in political activities without making it seem like they are really getting involved in political activities.

The purpose of the designation is to grant tax exempt status to social welfare organizations that "promote the common good and general welfare of the people of the community as a whole." Political parties and PACs generally do not fit this bill.

The Washington Post broke the story that an internal audit is set to be released, click here for one of  the stories.

For a summary of various points about the story, click on Andrew Sullivan's post here.

There'll be lots more on this.