Friday, September 20, 2013

House Republicans pass bill cutting food stamps

This story applies to our discussion of several items in the class including Congress, Separated Powers the Bureaucracy, and Social Welfare policy making in 2305. It also touches on federalism as we cover it in both 2305 and 2306.

- From the Washington Post: House passes GOP plan slash food stamp funding.
- From the NYT: House Republicans pass deep cuts in Food Stamps.
- From the Hill: House votes to cut food stamps by $39 billion.

The bill is H.R. 3102, the Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act. Click here for information on the bill from Thomas.You can also find it here - on govtrack.

We reviewed what the Constitution says about the bill making process in Section 7 of Article 1 and noticed that its says little about what happens within Congress. When we discuss the bill making process we will touch on how it has evolved over time as well as the institutions involved in the bill making process that are not mentioned in the Constitution, most notably committees and parties.

Just so you know, the bill now goes to the Senate and if approved there in the exact same language, it goes to the president for a signature. But this is not going to happen due to the dynamics between the political parties and how these exacerbate the checks and balances.

I'll post a few things below that apply this event to various topics in the class.