Sunday, March 23, 2014

Written Assignment #9 and #10 - 16 week classes only

I posted week #9's assignment on Blackboard - I wanted you to send me updates on your 1000 essay.

This week's assignment - #10 - also serves as the social responsibility assessment.

Here it is:

Social Responsibility

Operational Definition: Student will understand the importance of making a personal investment in the well-being of others, the community and/or the planet while showing respect for the ideas and beliefs of others.

What is Your Responsibility to Keeping the Republic

One of the themes of this class – at least one that was introduced early in the semester – was that you are a citizen (or at least a resident) in a democratic republic, and one of your responsibilities is to sustain it. Remember Franklin’s alleged response to the woman who asked him what they had produced in the constitutional convention.

Based on what we have covered this semester so far, what does this mean?

Keep in mind that while you have certain rights and liberties, so do others. What do you have to do to comply with your responsibility to help keep the republic? What are your responsibilities? You might want to take on Franklin however. Perhaps you don’t think this is your responsibility. If so, make a persuasive case.

Again - write at least 150 words.