Sunday, May 4, 2014

A last list of hints - 5/4/14

The first final will be tomorrow at 8am - so in order to be fair there will be no more hints after this one.

I mentioned in class several times - for those that come to class - that I recommend reviewing the assessment questions repeatedly, then thinking about their content broadly. Keep in mind that anything we covered in class can be on the test. This is designed to be the toughest part of the class.

You still have until Thursday at 4pm to turn in all your work on Blackboard.

The tests for online classes will be opened on Blackboard on noon Wednesday and will be closed on noon Thursday. You'll have 2 hours to answer the questions.

Some last minutes things to review - count on questions about these. These are in addition to the previous reviews.


- free speech
- the design of the branches
- opinions of the framers
- the formation of parties and interest groups
- Supreme Court cases
- Supreme Court process
- voter turnout
- strict scrutiny
- constitutional interpretation
- the growth of each branch of government
- military power / declared wars
- organizations within Congress
- original intent
- lobbying
- democracy
- poverty
- the wall of separation
- the grievances in the Declaration of Independence
- tyranny
- liberalism
- conservatism
- sub governments
- the two party system


- amendments to the Texas Constitution
- counties
- appellate courts
- the budgetary process
- the comptroller
- urbanization
- content of the Texas Constitution
- the 1869 Constitution
- primary elections
- the governor's powers
- city councils
- state board of education
- voter registration
- gerrymanderting
- single member districts
- the law making process
- the powers of the Speaker
- voting rights
- the Texas Supreme Court
- political culture in Texas
- Article 4 of the Texas Constitution
- city managers
- isd's