Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Book for GOVT 2305-01: Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power

ExxonMobil - as you are certainly aware - is one the nation's largest companies - one that has a significant and growing presence in the Houston area. It is also very well connected, which many large companies are. Over the years it has enjoyed connections with governing officials through a large lobbying organization that includes ex-members of Congress of both parties.

It has also been active in the promotion of policies that have increased corporate power, and simultaneously weakening environmental and trade regulations. They have also helped shape the nation's foreign and defense policies in ways that benefit the company - though not necessarily the nation.

These guys are very smart and methodical. This book outlines how they've accomplished their objectives.

The book's topic applies to a handful of the class' sections, especially those related to the influence that money - and all that brings - has on the political and governing processes.

Here are a few tags that take you to stories you might want to consider as you develop your paper's topic. Don't limit yourself to these though. Use them as a starting point.

- antitrust policy.
- business interests.
- committees.
- foreign policy.
- interest groups.
- iron triangles.
- money in politics.
- oil lobby.
- regulations.
- revolving door.