Saturday, August 30, 2014

Weekly Written Assignment #2

I was considering using this week to get everyone to research who represents them in the Texas or United States Congress - whichever applies to your particular class - but a recent court decision has made me postpone this assignment.

Be sure to answer the question for your class - 2305 or 2306.

For GOVT 2305:

I posted previously on the conflict in Ferguson, Missouri. Click here for the post. I want to use this case as a way for you to apply some of the information contained in the slides for the 3rd and 4th sections of this class, the ones on ideology and public policy.

First I want you to think about the shooting as an agenda setting event, one that has led the media and general population to think about issues they may not have otherwise. Then I want you to consider it in terms of ideology. What different responses might someone who identifies themselves as socialist, liberal, libertarian or conservative make of these issues - what "problem" might each see as underlying them - and what proposals might they support to address that problem.

I want you to demonstrate some proficiency in using ideological terms and the public policy process.

For GOVT 2306:

I posted below about the recent decision by a federal court judge to strike down certain parts of the bill passed by the Texas Legislature to place requirements on abortion providers in the state. These requirements have led to the closure of some clinics and - according to the judge - a violation of rights established on the national level.

- Click here for the post.

I mentioned in the post that this is the latest in a series of issues where national political values conflict with those of the state of Texas. This is a theme in the 4th section - which covers political culture. It is also a theme, of sorts, in the sections on federalism.

I want you to read through the relevant text and comment on this conflict. Try to make sense of the judge's ruling and see what lies next. Also comment on how this issue is treated nationally and statewide. Do you see anyway that this conflict could be resolved?

- Click here for the judge's ruling.

For both 2305 and 2306:

Write at least 150 words and get this in by Monday September 8th.