Saturday, August 23, 2014

The 1000 Word Critical Essay

If you read through the syllabus carefully, you'll notice that you are to write a 1000 word critical essay and that it is to be based on a book that has been assigned to your specific class and section. It's up to you to come up with the specific topic, but it has to incorporate some aspect of the class material and how it overlaps the subject of the book.

This might seem daunting right now, but I'll help you develop your topic.

Right now I want you to be sure to purchase the right book for your class and start reading it. Start thinking about it too. The weekly written assignment for week #4 will be the your proposed topic. I'll give you feedback in order to make sure its a good one - or at least one I might find interesting.

That's always a good goal.

Rule #1 of essay writing: Don't be boring.