Friday, September 5, 2014

Weekly Written Assignment #3

Next week I want you to give me a preliminary proposal for your 1000 word critical essay.

This week I want you to read through the book and give me a general idea about what it is all about.

Hopefully by now you've purchased the assigned book - high school dual credit students don't have a book because I was assigned the class late, so you to look online for information related to the 2014 elections.

I don't expect you to have read the entire thing, but I do want you to skim through the contents and get a general idea about what the books principal contents and arguments are and think about hos it relates to the content of the classroom. Even though we are still early in the semester, we've covered enough that you should find content in the book that gives you something to analyze.

I'll help you clarify this after next week's assignment, but I'll need you to start the process by getting used to what you book is about. Just in case you haven't purchased it, remember that it is listed on your syllabus, and is also listed on the right hand column of this blog.

150 word minimum.
Due September 15.
Let me know if you have questions about it.