Monday, November 18, 2019

Stupid questions 2306 01

What edition of the book are we supposed to have because the syllabus says that we need the fifth edition but the one we use in class is the sixth edition, do I need to get the sixth edition?

who can the governor appoint i am alittle confused about this

what is a filibuster ?

With enough effort during a campaign is it possible for a third party candidate to win an election?

If Quizzes are quizzical, Then what are tests???

I have not found anything confusing. It is just a lot of information to review and remember. Texas Government contains a lot of vocabulary.

I’d say everything we’ve covered so far has been self-explanatory and common sense, but if I had to pick one thing it would be chapter five Texas Governors just because the powers and roles can get confusing and I sometimes mix them up with each other.

How much influence does the federal government have over the states, and how can it coerce compliance with federal tools?

I'm still confused about grassroots organizations.

What is paper made from?

According to one of the quiz/test questions, national politics have been a strong contributor to the weakening of state political parties in Texas. Why is that?

Nothing is really confusing me as of right now in this class, but the only thing I struggle with is remembering term lengths and who get appointed by who. But that being said they’re not that hard to remember so I should be good.

You asked for a stupid question...but then requested us to aks about the one thing we are most confused about...

I'll do both:

Stupid Questions:
1: Did they make Dyslexia Hard to spell on purpose?
2: How important does someone have to be to be considered assassinated instead of murdered?
3:Why does refrigerator not have a 'd', but Fridge does?

Most confusing thing:
Probeobly one of the most confusing things for me is the vast amount of committees and their intricate policies within the government.

My stupid question is what do I need to do to consistently make A’s on my written assignments?

why isn't there a set registration and voters eligibility law for all states ?

Sometimes it's hard to follow the lecture. I don't have an actual question just some remarks. I do learn more when you connect the chapters to news articles.That is helpful for me.

The most confusing subject matter would probably be the court systems and jurisdictions for me.

Are all written assignments do in December or are they do every week on Monday? I was confused about the syllabus saying two different things. Also, I wanted to find out if the last exam was cumulative so I can know if I must go back and review some things.