Friday, December 6, 2019

From the Texas Tribune: San Antonio paid sick leave requirement blocked by state judge

An illustration of the relationship between Texas and local governments.

- Click here for the article.

A district judge blocked a San Antonio ordinance Friday that would have required businesses in the city to provide paid sick leave for employees starting Dec. 1.

In October, the council approved the latest version of the ordinance, calling it the “safe and sick time” ordinance. It would've required companies and nonprofits of all sizes to provide 56 hours’ worth of earned paid sick time per year. Under the rule — approved in an 8-3 vote — workers would've been able to use the leave if they were sick or if they or a family member had suffered domestic abuse, sexual assault or stalking.

Multiple business groups, including the Associated Builders and Subcontractors, sued to block the ordinance with the backing of the Austin-based Texas Public Policy Foundation. District Judge Peter Sakai issued a temporary injunction, meaning his ruling is not permanent but will block the implementation of the ordinance while the court case proceeds.

The ruling will affect an estimated 354,000 workers, according to the San Antonio Express-News.