Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Stupid questions 2305 THS4

Okay, so now that you asked Ive been wanted to know why the articles of confederation where thought of in the first place. As well and what made the now US government decide on how the House of Representatives work when each states population is all estimate when thinking about illegal immigrants. do they just not count them?

Okay so i'm confused how congress works in general. I've always been confused about politics and the government and such but i never asked because i thought everyone knew. How all the branches work with each other in a good balance, what the president does other than meetings and signings and speeches, and also how voting works. How long campaigns last and why they do so many debates and the purpose for them. Thank you!

Why have the Republican and Democrat parties become so increasingly divided and hostile towards each other?

Would our government function if we didn’t have a bicameral government?

I still don't really know how the people are chosen to be in the electoral college, and what qualifications they need to be elected

So far throughout the course nothing has been confusing, but the question I have is, what is the subject you honestly really don't care for, or hate that you have to teach?

1. Is there any other websites you recommend for the 1000 word essay?

2. How would you go about researching the topic? (1000 word essay)

My question is why do we still have the electoral college and call ourselves a democratic republic? We still get to vote but why don’t they take the popular vote into consideration because that’s what the people want? Who even makes up the electoral college and why isn’t there any diversity in it to represent the real America, not just the top richest percent? I am just really confused as to why it is still a thing.

The question I have really is: What kind of oversight does the House Oversight Committee do? Is it limited to the House or Senate as well? Is there a similar body in the Senate as well?

Although I have kept up with reading the book, doing the quizzes and tests, turning in the writing assignments, and asking questions in class, I continue to wonder why have a bicameral government with two houses in Congress if we’ve already discussed and agreed that this process takes longer to approve bills that could better our society or veto bills that would worsen it?

Why does the president get to pick members of the cabinet if it means that he’s going to be biased and pick his favorite people and not necessarily people right for the job?

One stupid question I have is what was the main reason why James Madison created the federalist papers?

Everyone says that my generation is the future which is why they encourage us to vote. If we really are the future, then why do you have to be certain ages in order to run for government positions?