Monday, April 13, 2020

Some stupid questions

I'll address these later:

1 - I dont fully understand the difference between the state and national government. Also with the local governments. Who is in charge of what? I see signs on the road to vote for people that I don't even know what they would have the power to do. And how much power does the president really have when there's so many other people behind governmental decisions

I'd suggest rereading the chapters on federalism and separated powers. I'll post some online videos which can help as well, but here is just a bit on the topic:

Your first question asks about federalism - the split authority between the national, state, and local branches. This content also includes - to some degree - descriptions of the offices created on each level. Note that 2306 includes more content on state and local offices, since that is the subject matter of 2306. The basic difference between each level is their function, and who they are responsible to.

As far as what the president does, please review the chapter on the Constitution, as well as the chapter on the presidency. In brief, the president oversees the implementation of the law.

I'll post something related to the functions of the presidency as well.

2 - is a hotdog a sandwich? You told me to ask a stupid question that is indeed a stupid question; so I don’t know if you want me to ask a stupid question about the material this class or just a stupid question in general. So I’m going to stick with my question being: is hotdog a sandwich I feel it could spark an argument. This whole coronavirus thing this year has completely thrown me off but since most of your classe is online anyways besides, the in class lectures, I feel like I could still learn and benefit from this class even though we have a little hiccup in the year.

3 - Is cereal a soup? why or why not? The most confusing thing for me was the public opinion chapter just because there was a lot of information.

4 - What's the importance of government and what would our life be like without it?

5 - Why is the constitution up for so much interpretation and why do people have so many different ideas of what it means?

6 - Why do we have to necessarily learn about certain topics that have to do with economics if it's supposed to be based off of government? Whats confusing me the most about the topic is some of it contains information that you would learn about in economics and are based off of how the government controls the community as a whole. Then throughout the subject we start talking about different politics that sometimes are confusing, because it can either have something to do with whats going on in the world or it could be based off of something totally different.